What Should You Include In Your Business Development Manager’s Job Description?

The role of the business development manager (BDM) in schools is changing. Whether you already have a BDM, or are thinking of hiring one, here are three questions to consider when creating or updating the BDM’s job description. With Whom Will Your BDM Interact? Thinking about the people with whom your BDM will interact will […]

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Pupils And Abusive Relationships: How Can HR Help?

Most school leaders are used to turning to an HR professional for guidance on contracts of employment and recruitment and selection matters. Involving HR in issues that are directly related to pupil welfare, for example, safeguarding matters, probably happens less often.  However, HR has a role to play in these areas of school management, too. […]

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How Well Does Your School Promote Equality?

Your school is keen to promote equality. However there have been reports recently suggesting that some schools are not publishing equality information as required by legislation. Therefore, now might be the time for you to ask just how well your school promotes equality. Use the questions below to help you to review your current approach. […]

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