19th September, 2024

Just because you think you are right, doesn’t mean you are!

This week’s HR Bitesize includes:

  • Setting goals
  • Employment Status
  • Two Podcasts
  • Next live training

On my bike!

Last week I attended the National Entrepreneur’s Conference in Birmingham. I’ve been going for years and had an exhibition stand for the past six years.

Every year, there is a great line up of speakers, some of whom you will know and others are a complete mystery. It is often these unknowns who leave the biggest impact on you.

For me, this year it was Darren Edwards. Darren who? Well Darren was a very active mountaineerer before having a massive accident which changed his life – it left him wheelchair bound and unable to walk.

Although my story is not as dramatic as Darren’s, at 17 I was told I would never walk again.

Needless to say, I was not accepting that and with no apparent physical reason, I battled with my joints, ligaments, muscles and tendons for years to get myself back walking and then active again. I returned to school, went to Uni, got a job, had kids and have started my own business which I have been running for the past 17 years. Since surgery in 2013, there is a lot I haven’t been able to do, but Darren has inspired me to ‘get back on my bike’ literally. That is now my goal. I want to be able to ride a bike again.

What is your goal?

In Business? In life?

And then there are those speakers who are known. Some have been great, but last week, during the intro video I was tempted to get up and walk out.

I didn’t, as I have a loyalty to the event organisers, but I wasn’t happy.

Charlie Mullins formally of Pimlico Plumbers.

One of the questions we get asked on a regular basis is about the employment status of workers. Are they employees? Are they self-employed?

The main employment law case we now reference is Gary Cook vs Pimlico Plumbers. Gary Cook was in the Gig Economy – he was a ‘self-employed’ plumber, ‘employed’ by Pimlico Plumbers. He had a heart attack and claimed sick pay.

This opened up a huge can of worms, but in short, the Employment Tribunal, Employment Appeals Tribunal and the Supreme Court all found in Mr Cook’s favour.

Even on stage on Monday, 6 years after the rulings against him, Charlie Mullins claimed that the judges in all the cases were wrong and he was right.

I don’t deny he has built a successful business, but at what cost?

As we await the new Employment Rights Bill from Labour, we already know that there is going to be a tightening of the legislation in this area.

Neither employees, nor employers get to choose employment status – it is a matter of law, whether you agree with the law or not.

While we don’t have the details yet, we know there is going to be a move to a single ‘worker’ status and workers will have more rights from day 1.

As for Charlie Mullins, he is off to open up a new business and is making all employees shareholders in the company.

To many this sounds like a lovely thing to do, but those of us in the know understand that this means that those employees have to give up certain employment law protections, including the protections again unfair dismissal, the right to statutory redundancy pay and the right to flexible working.

As an employer, think about what you can and do provide to your staff.

What would they appreciate?

Ask them!

It doesn’t have to be financial.

Next live training

Places are already filling up for the October live training which is all about managing disability in your workplace.

It takes place from 10 – 11am on Thursday 17th October 2024, live via zoom.

As you may have appreciated from above, I have a hidden disability (well two actually), and I regularly speak to business leaders about inclusion and the benefits and issues associated with recruiting from an untapped talent pool.

Attendance is free, but places are limited so make sure you register now.

£99 per month

  • Includes an hours of support every month
  • Bank unused time
  • Borrow extra time
  • Personalised HR Support
  • Dedicated HR Advisor

Until next week, have a great week


P.S. When you are ready, there are three ways we can help:

  1. Our FAQs are reguarly updated and you can search them here
  2. Check out our ad hoc, retained or outsourced services here
  3. Watch our YouTube Channel for our 52 top tip videos