Love is in the air…. or is it?

February. Valentine’s Day. The season of love ….. BUT, and it is a big BUT has #metoo killed the office romance? In October of last year, legislation was debated and confirmed which will put an obligation on employers to PREVENT sexual harassment in the workplace. No longer is it enough to carry out a proper […]

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The Elephant in the Room: Loan Elephants – Sexual Harassment

It is naïve to think that sexual harassment does not exist within your workplace. It is naïve to think that you, as the business owner, would know if there is sexual harassment in your business. It is naïve to assume that because you don’t know about it, no one is feeling sexually harassed. It is […]

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The Elephant in the Room

This is the first in a series of blogs to mark our 14th birthday on 1st May 2021. The background to my thinking here is a little odd, but the theme of these blogs is based on ‘The Elephant in the Room’. All the things which employers do not want to talk about or deal […]

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Perception vs Intent

“I didn’t mean it, it was just a bit of fun” These words are so often offered by way of an explanation when someone is interviewed as part of an investigation or disciplinary process. Whether you are dealing with allegations of bullying, harassment or discrimination, it is vital you remember that the intent of the […]

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Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Under the Equality Act 2010, harassment is unwanted conduct which is related to one of the following protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. Under the legal definition, this unwanted conduct “has the purpose of effect of either violating an individual’s dignity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, […]

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Outdated rules or needed for the modern workplace? The first question for many is: What is fraternisation? Fraternisation is defined as: To associate or form a friendship with someone, especially when you are not supposed to do so. Fraternisation at work is usually about people having relationships with colleagues, but it could also be about […]

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