There is a lot going on at DOHR at the moment.

The start of the year is always busy as our clients decide it is time to take action.

Sometimes, that is being pro active and taking steps to set things up right for the coming year.

Sometimes, it is dealing with a poor performer, taking steps to save money or stop putting up with shit.

As a business owner, you will get more of what you tolerate.

That’s it from me this week.

Have a great week and remember, if you need me, hit reply, call me on 01923 866040 or email [email protected]


P.S. When you are ready, here are some ways we can help:

  1. Join our HR Club here
  2. Check out the rest of our website content from here
  3. Watch our YouTube Channel for our 52 top tip videos
  4. Get more information about business coaching from Donna here
  5. Get access to free business growth resources here

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