• The Changing Face of HR

    The Changing Face of HR

    HR has been through many changes over the years, but I do believe it is currently experiencing a seismic shift. In part this is due to covid and Brexit, but in part it is also due to changes in Politics, Economics, Society, Technology, Legal and Environmental (PESTLE) factors. I was using the chart above in…

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  • The Elephant in the Room: The Smelly Employee – Cigarettes

    The Elephant in the Room: The Smelly Employee – Cigarettes

    In my opinion, there is nothing worse than a colleague who comes into a meeting stinking of cigarettes! I remember a time when people used to smoke in offices, it was completely normal. Just like smoking on an aeroplane – smokers on the left, non-smokers on the right‼! Something my kids cannot believe was ever…

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  • Who you take advice from matters ……… A LOT!

    Would you allow a GP to carry out brain surgery on you? Would you want your accountant giving you a manicure? The answer to both, I suspect, is NO! So why do people listen to family and friends when they need advice on their staff? The answer we are sometimes given is “because they have…

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  • Why Corporate Jargon And Nonsense Stops Businesses Taking HR Seriously

    (And The Four Processes That Most Business Owners  Need To Go Through When Dealing With Staff) I’ve been studying and practicing HR for over 25 years.  Which means that I ‘get it’.  I ‘understand’ it.  However ludicrously worded something is, or however jargonny a contract sounds, I can usually root out the genuine meaning, and…

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  • UK Employment Law is no longer fit for purpose!!!

    I’ve been in Human Resources (HR) for over 20 years. When I was first introduced to the discipline, it was known as Personnel and today when I am speaking with clients, I refer to it as ‘managing employees’ or ‘staff management’. Why give a fancy name to what business owners just need to be able…

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  • Discrimination

    This is one you need to understand to ensure you protect your business! Boring – Yes! Essential – Yes! Expensive if you get it wrong – Yes!

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  • Special Needs

    People don’t need to be employees to take an employment tribunal claim against you (although they usually are, or have been). Job applicants who feel they have missed out on a job due to discrimination can also lodge an employment tribunal claim and therefore taking any special needs into consideration at the recruitment and interview…

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  • Testing

    Testing applicants is a great way of determining whether they can actually do the job you need them to do. You can test for skills, aptitude, personality etc. There are hundreds of tests on the market and selecting the right one is really important. You also need to ensure you know what a pass or…

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  • Telephone Screening

    When you are recruiting, you could end up with hundreds of applications, once you have sorted the ‘not a chance’ from the ‘possible’, telephone interviewing is a great way of producing a manageable long list (or short list, if you are able to be that tight on your criteria). Work out what your key questions…

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  • Sifting CVs

    Once you have a pool of aplicants, you need some way of determining who to short list, who to reject and who to keep warm and put on hold. In today’s 52 Top Tips, I share a few thoughts. To find our more about our recruitment services, check out our recruitment pages To order your…

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