At DOHR we are not so presumptuous to think that we can service all your business needs. We know what our areas of expertise are and we know when we need to bring in partners or recommend you to alternative suppliers who do the things that we don’t do.

All Your Business Needs

Over the years we have built some great relationships with some fantastic businesses. They are tried, tested and trusted, after all if we are going to recommend them, it is our reputation on the line. We are also well aware that cost, location and personalities also come into play and therefore in many instances we will recommend more than one provider and encourage our clients to make contact and select the provider of their choice.

DOHR can either act as an introducer and leave you to take the relationship forward, or we can provide a single point of contact for clients and manage the client consultant relationship ensuring quality and reliability, even providing a single billing point if required.

Follow these links to find out a little more about our Approved Suppliers:

Below is an example of the contacts we highly recommend and you can click through to find out more about each of them. Remember, they know us personally, so please do let them know how you found them!


  • Payroll
  • Accountants
  • Bookeeping
  • Accounting Software
  • Corporate Insurance

Domestic Services

  • Builder
  • Architect
  • Painter
  • Home Utilities

Business Services

  • Health and Safety
  • Employee Benefits
  • Printing
  • Vending
  • Business Machines
  • Utilities
  • Telephone Answering
  • Solicitor
  • Virtual Assistant

Health &

  • Lifestyle GP
  • Healer
  • Relationship Coach
  • Physiotherapist
  • Chiropractor


  • Marketing Strategy
  • Graphic Design
  • Copywriting
  • Corporate Photography
  • Corporate Video
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Training
  • Promotional Merchandise