• More Changes for Annual Leave Still to Come

    More Changes for Annual Leave Still to Come

    Just when you thought there was absolute clarity about how much annual leave a part year worker could take and what they should be paid for it, the Government have launched a consultation on further changes. Don’t get me wrong, in my opinion, this is absolutely needed, but it means that there is still a…

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  • How do I calculate annual leave for zero hours employees?

    How do I calculate annual leave for zero hours employees?

    +Despite todays (20th July 2022) ruling, there is still a huge amount of confusion about how to calculate annual leave entitlement and pay for variable hours workers and those who work for part of a year. Until 2019, most employers used a percentage method to calculate annual leave entitlement based on actual hours worked. The…

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  • Should employers consider giving workers a week off so they can take a break for mental health?

    Should employers consider giving workers a week off so they can take a break for mental health?

    Nike has shut down its global headquarters for a week and thousands of office workers have been given time off in an effort to mitigate burnout from the pandemic. The American sportswear giant’s head office employees were encouraged to unwind, de-stress and spend time with loved ones for the last week of August. At the…

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  • Self-Care


    In 2020, the government took the unusual stop of allowing employers to change their policy on annual leave so that employees could roll over annual leave they had been unable to take due to the pandemic. Some of our clients took advantage of this relaxation because their staff were needed at work as a result…

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  • Costa Del Home

    Costa Del Home

    As an employer, in the next couple of weeks there is going to be a significant shift of responsibility from the Government to you! As I said last week, you need to take the decisions which are right for your business, but you also need to act legally, fairly and in compliance with your policies…

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  • Sickness vs Annual Leave

    Sickness vs Annual Leave

    How you should treat employees who are off sick during their annual leave comes from the Working Time Regulations and is based on the principle that employees in the UK have a legal right to 5.6 weeks of paid time off work each year. The spirit of the law here is important, not just the…

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  • Annual Leave while on Maternity Leave

    Annual Leave while on Maternity Leave

    A client came to me recently regarding an employee who was due to go on maternity leave. She had been accruing holiday for the first 3 months of the year and had taken all the holiday she had accrued to date. What she now wanted to do was take all the holiday she WOULD accrue…

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  • May Day 2020

    May Day 2020

    The Background Due to the 75th anniversary of VE day in 2020, the Government have announced a nationwide change to Bank Holidays next year. May Day is usually the first Monday in May, but in 2020, to coincide with National VE Day commemorations, the Bank Holiday is being moved to Friday 8th May. The Implications…

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  • Contracts of Employment

    This is a massive one for me and one that I spend most of my professional career talking about!!!

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  • Is it a Duck?

    The Employment Tribunal has ruled that two drivers are infact ‘workers’ under the definition in the Employment Rights Act 1996 and therefore are afforded protections not available to genuine freelancers. This case will be appealed by Uber, they can’t afford not to because of the implications for their global business model. Uber have also looked…

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