• How to create the RIGHT environment for hybrid working

    How to create the RIGHT environment for hybrid working

    Plan B In case you haven’t noticed, a lot has changed in the last 20 months and just as many employers were looking to get staff back into the workplace, we appear to be heading for another winter of working from home. As an employer, you need to look at your workforce and find ways…

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  • Bribery – Have you protected your business?

    I was in a room with 20 different employers this week and asked a simple question…. How many of you have a policy on bribery and have trained your staff in the application of that policy? Despite the Bribery Act 2010 having come into force in July 2011, 90% of the businesses represented did not…

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  • Are all your employees legal? ….. are you sure?

    In 2008, the UK Boarders & Imigration Agency (UKBIA) introduced fixed penalty fines of £10,000 per employee for illegal immigrants. In 2007, there were 38 prosecutions. However, following the introduction of the fixed penalty, there were 1164 penalties imposed costing employers £11.2 million in fines. In 2009 these figures rose to 2210 penalties costing £22.1…

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