• Family Friendly Policies

    A full set of policies around maternity, paternity and adoption leave and pay need to be developed so that employees feel valued and their skills are not lost from the business, but so that they business is able to function effectively with short and long term absences as a result of the prospective and actual…

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  • Flexible Working

     Within your business, you are obliged to take eligible employees’ requests for flexible working arrangements seriously. It is your right as an employer to determine whether a flexible working request will be detrimental to delivering your business services / products to your clients and you are able to reject requests for flexible working as long…

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  • Job Sharing

    For most employers, a job does not shrink just because an employee applies for flexible working and as a result many employers are resistant to job share arrangements. The truth is, that for many employers job sharing is just too scary. It is not the way things have traditionally been done and it is a…

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