• The Changing Face of HR

    The Changing Face of HR

    HR has been through many changes over the years, but I do believe it is currently experiencing a seismic shift. In part this is due to covid and Brexit, but in part it is also due to changes in Politics, Economics, Society, Technology, Legal and Environmental (PESTLE) factors. I was using the chart above in…

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  • Family Friendly Policies

    A full set of policies around maternity, paternity and adoption leave and pay need to be developed so that employees feel valued and their skills are not lost from the business, but so that they business is able to function effectively with short and long term absences as a result of the prospective and actual…

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  • We Do HR – Making the Workplace a Better Place to be

    I am on a mission….. Our strapline is “Making the workplace a better place to be” – but what does that mean? Over the years, the management of people within a business has had many different names; the most familiar used today are “personnel” and “Human Resources (HR)”.  Whatever you choose to call it, staff…

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  • The Dreaded Appraisal

    This time of year, we find many of our clients want to take the opportunity to appraise staff. Of course there is no hard and fast rule as to when to do this and some companies will link appraisals to the financial year end, the end of the calendar year or the employee’s anniversary with…

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  • Recruiting Blind

    Would you? Could you? Over 100 UK businesses have pledged to recruit blind as a way of increasing social mobility and reducing the risk of discrimination candidates with submit their applications on standard company from without a name or school. As an HR professional, I’m not sure how I feel about this. 15 years ago…

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  • Can I fire a poor performer?

    I have had several calls recently from potential clients looking for help managing poor performers. One of my first questions is always “Do you have a documented policy”? “Have you ever told the person they are not performing to the standards you expect”? In most cases, managers deal with poor performance in one of two…

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  • Do you employ men?

    Although we like to think it is a thing of the past, clients still tell me that they are scared to employ young females in case they get pregnant. They don’t want the upheaval or the costs associated with maternity leave such as finding and training temporary staff or loosing key skills and knowledge. However,…

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  • BNI – 60 Seconds – 21st December

    After last weeks 60 seconds, I thought I would spare you the agony of another song, but I did want to pick up on the message from last week which was about planning for bad weather, being flexible with your workforce and ensuring you have documented HR policies so that there is consistency and clarity…

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  • BNI – 60 Seconds – 23rd November

    I thought I would give you an example of some of the issues I am working on this week: • A policy for working and paying for overtime and on call in a 24 hour a day maintenance and installation company • Writing up the notes for a disciplinary meeting I assisted with last week,…

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  • BNI – 60 Seconds – 16th November

    As some of you may know I used to be a Scout Leader. Our motto is “Be Prepared”. I am anxious that employers live by this motto. By having good HR Policies and Procedures in place, employers are able to attract, recruit, develop and retain the right staff with the right skills and motivation to…

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