• What are the Pros and Cons of a Zero Hours Contract

    What are the Pros and Cons of a Zero Hours Contract

    No guaranteed hours or fixed income A zero-hour contract is where you have no guaranteed hours or fixed income, instead work is offered as and when an employer needs you. Zero-hour workers account for less than 3 percent of total employment in the UK, and they’re most often used by sectors that require a flexible…

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  • The Lowdown on Part-Time Employment

    The Lowdown on Part-Time Employment

    Anyone who works in your business for less hours than your full time employees is considered part time. No specific hours define it, and employees can either be permanent or temporary.

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  • What is flexible working?

    What is flexible working?

    The term ‘flexible working’ means lots of different things depending on who you are speaking to. To some it is the ability to work part-time, to others the ability to work from home and to others the ability to work shifts or on a zero hours basis. The right to request flexible working has been…

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  • May Day 2020

    May Day 2020

    The Background Due to the 75th anniversary of VE day in 2020, the Government have announced a nationwide change to Bank Holidays next year. May Day is usually the first Monday in May, but in 2020, to coincide with National VE Day commemorations, the Bank Holiday is being moved to Friday 8th May. The Implications…

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  • Family Friendly Policies

    A full set of policies around maternity, paternity and adoption leave and pay need to be developed so that employees feel valued and their skills are not lost from the business, but so that they business is able to function effectively with short and long term absences as a result of the prospective and actual…

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  • Discrimination

      Well written policies and procedures which are communicated and applied consistently are the key to ensuring that the risk  of discrimination is reduced as much as possible. Employees (as well as workers and job applicants) could bring claims for discrimination on the basis of Age, Gender, Race, Beliefs, Marital Status, Disability and Sexual Orientation.…

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  • Things to consider when employees work from home

    There are several reasons why an employee may be working from home, but in this article, we ignore the reasons behind home workers and focus on things an employer must consider to ensure legal compliance and business effectiveness of the arrangements. A home worker must have a workspace which is fit for purpose. Whether the…

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