• The Evolving Workplace: Balancing Office and Remote Work for Tomorrow’s Businesses

    The Evolving Workplace: Balancing Office and Remote Work for Tomorrow’s Businesses

    As an HR expert with years of experience and a lot of grey hair to show for it, I’ve seen workplace trends come and go. But in this post-pandemic world, one question dominates the boardroom and watercooler conversations alike: where should our people work? The recent  KPMG 2023 CEO outlook survey report suggests that around…

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  • How to create the RIGHT environment for hybrid working

    How to create the RIGHT environment for hybrid working

    Plan B In case you haven’t noticed, a lot has changed in the last 20 months and just as many employers were looking to get staff back into the workplace, we appear to be heading for another winter of working from home. As an employer, you need to look at your workforce and find ways…

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  • Flexible working in the future???

    Below are three links you need! Our panel discussion on Flexible Working which took place in July 2021. A link to the Government proposals A link to the consultation document Do not be upset withthe legislation you get if you don’t take the opportunity to have your say now! The closing date for consultation is…

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  • The Elephant in the Room: Loan Elephants – Hybrid Working

    The Elephant in the Room: Loan Elephants – Hybrid Working

    Anyone who tells you that they know what the future of work looks like is lying! This blog is particularly focussed on those businesses, or parts of businesses, which are office based. There are of course plenty of people who do not have the opportunity to work from home for whom this debate is not…

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