Corporate Excellence Award 2015: Best for Support Services

Following their triumphant win as ‘HR Consultancy of the Year’ last year, DOHR has now won a further two awards to add to their collection.

The first is the Corporate Excellence Award for ‘Best for Support Services’. This is awarded by Corporate Vision who state: ”When it comes to the business world, true excellence takes many forms. From an unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction and consistently stunning results, to the never-ending quest for innovation and the ability to change, not only a department or business but an entire industry, firms mark themselves out as exceptional in countless ways.”
They go on to say “The 2015 UK Corporate Excellence Awards focus on those firms and individuals across the British Isles, regardless of size, age, specialism or value, that are not just successful – that goes without saying – but undoubtedly and demonstrably special; the people and businesses that define how we view and regard their entire industry and who, taking their place firmly at the forefront of their respective sectors, become a byword for forward-thinking excellence and achievement.”
Building on this winning streak, DOHR has also picked up Corporate Livewires’s ‘Most Outstanding HR Consultancy Firm – UK 2016’. These are global awards with many household names among the winners from 2015. DOHR have been told that they were nominated and selected for the award specifically because of their SME employment legislation compliance product HR in a Box™ as it is not only cost effective, but also innovative, business focussed and practical”.

Understandably DOHR Managing Director, Donna Obstfeld is delighted by these wins. “The awards process is still a bit of a mystery to me, but I am thrilled that we have been nominated and then selected as winners of these two business world awards. To have the recognition last year within our own industry was great, but this just takes it to another level as the business world starts to realise the value that we as an HR practice, are able to add to their business success.”

DOHR Press Enquiries
Beverley Lewis
Tel: 01923 866 034
Email: [email protected]
Notes for Editors:
1. Donna Obstfeld is available for interview
2. DOHR is an HR practice supporting micro, small and medium sized businesses. They are based in Hertfordshire with clients are nationwide.
3. If you wish to reproduce this article on your website, please link back to the original source
4. For more information about the Corporate Vision awards visit
5. For more information about the Corporate Livewire awards visit

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