On this page you will find a series of presentations which members of the DOHR team have given at various seminars, conferences and exhibitions.

For more information about booking a speaker from DOHR, please contact the office on 01923 504100 or on [email protected]

The information contained on this page and in the presentations is and remains the property of DOHR Limited. No 3rd party may use this  material in presentations, training or for any financial gain.

Appenticeship training – EC 18/11/15

The HR elements of hiring a skillswize apprentice


Walking the Tightrope

Best  Business Expo – Holiday Inn, Elstree 10th October 2013


 HR for SMEs

The Great British Business Show, Excel Centre, London, 7th June 2013


HR – Getting it right, Getting it wrong

The Business Show, Olympia, London, 28th November 2013