Contracts of employment, terms & conditions and employee handbooks are essential documents for businesses of all sizes. When written correctly, they ensure that the company is legally compliant and protected in the event of litigation. These documents are owned by the business and set expectations for employees.
Employee Handbooks
When signing a contract of employment, employees understand what is expected of them and what they get in return. When receiving terms and conditions, employees are provided with more information about their compensation and employment protection. There is a legal obligation to issue all employees with a statement of particulars within 30 days of commencing employment. Many businesses combine this with a contract and provide all terms and conditions of employment in one place.
An employee handbook should be updated on a regular basis and contain generic details relating to all employees and the basis for their employment. Key policies and procedures should be documented and information provided about where and how to obtain additional information. Handbooks may be made available in either a hard or soft version.
DOHR works with clients to update or develop contracts of employment. These can be integrated with existing policies or used as the catalyst for change. DOHR also writes bespoke employee handbooks, taking existing policies into consideration and working with the client to address any gaps. An employee handbook is a tool for employees and their managers. It provides a single reference source for employees at all levels across the organisation. This reduces the pressure on the person or team responsible for first line HR support.