• More Changes for Annual Leave Still to Come

    More Changes for Annual Leave Still to Come

    Just when you thought there was absolute clarity about how much annual leave a part year worker could take and what they should be paid for it, the Government have launched a consultation on further changes. Don’t get me wrong, in my opinion, this is absolutely needed, but it means that there is still a…

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  • Self-Care


    In 2020, the government took the unusual stop of allowing employers to change their policy on annual leave so that employees could roll over annual leave they had been unable to take due to the pandemic. Some of our clients took advantage of this relaxation because their staff were needed at work as a result…

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  • Sickness vs Annual Leave

    Sickness vs Annual Leave

    How you should treat employees who are off sick during their annual leave comes from the Working Time Regulations and is based on the principle that employees in the UK have a legal right to 5.6 weeks of paid time off work each year. The spirit of the law here is important, not just the…

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  • PeopleTalk – May 2013

    Welcome Welcome to May 2013 and our 6th Birthday celebrations. As we enter our 7th year, we have taken the opportunity to look back over our first 6 and reflect at how far we have come and how exciting the future is for DOHR. Over the years we have supported approximately 140 different clients, from…

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  • Annual Leave

    Many of us look forward to a summer holiday and a well-earned break. We’re just about to come into that time of year when employers will start to see the ebb and flow of their workforce as staff start to take their main holiday.  It’s important to remember that annual leave is much more than…

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