• When were your contracts of employment last updated?

    A recent LinkedIn poll asked a very simple question, but the results were a little surprising: When were your contracts of employment last reviewed? In the last three months was a response for 20% of the respondents. While a further 32% had reviewed their contracts in the last 12 months. I was a little surprised…

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  • What are the Pros and Cons of a Zero Hours Contract

    What are the Pros and Cons of a Zero Hours Contract

    No guaranteed hours or fixed income A zero-hour contract is where you have no guaranteed hours or fixed income, instead work is offered as and when an employer needs you. Zero-hour workers account for less than 3 percent of total employment in the UK, and they’re most often used by sectors that require a flexible…

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  • PeopleTalk – August 2012

    Welcome Another busy month despite the holiday season being upon us.  Maybe some of you have decided to stay in our phenomenal capital city that is London to watch some of the Olympics. We’ve been visiting clients, solving problems, writing HR policy for businesses up and down the country – but we’ve still found time…

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  • Try Before You Buy?

    When taking on new staff, employers have a choice as to whether to give a probation period or not. And if they do put a probation period into the contract of employment, they can (within reason) choose how long to make the probation period. As advisors we generally recommend a 6 month probation period, but…

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