• Recruitment Advertising

    Two things have happened this week which have made me think about the wording of recruitment adverts: 1)    A contact of mine advertised for a young, dynamic person – thus opening themselves up to an age discrimination claim, as an older person may arguably be more dynamic than a young person. 2)    The Army has…

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  • Christmas Party – Remember It For The Right Reasons

    It is the last day of November. For many, this is payday, for others it is invoicing day and for some…. It is the official start of the festive season. Over the years we have seen some pretty fantastic Christmas parties. We have also seen some lovely intimate low key affairs where the team come…

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  • Discrimination

      Well written policies and procedures which are communicated and applied consistently are the key to ensuring that the risk  of discrimination is reduced as much as possible. Employees (as well as workers and job applicants) could bring claims for discrimination on the basis of Age, Gender, Race, Beliefs, Marital Status, Disability and Sexual Orientation.…

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  • Mediocre Managers

    Mediocre Managers – how much damage could they do? If a Manager is mediocre, surely that’s better than completely useless? Let’s think about that…… What skills and attributes does a Manager need? Looking at this from four points of view: The Business An Employee The HR Department or Senior Management The Customer Google ‘Manager’ and…

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