• The Evolving Workplace: Balancing Office and Remote Work for Tomorrow’s Businesses

    The Evolving Workplace: Balancing Office and Remote Work for Tomorrow’s Businesses

    As an HR expert with years of experience and a lot of grey hair to show for it, I’ve seen workplace trends come and go. But in this post-pandemic world, one question dominates the boardroom and watercooler conversations alike: where should our people work? The recent  KPMG 2023 CEO outlook survey report suggests that around…

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  • How to support transgender employees in the workplace

    How to support transgender employees in the workplace

    The legal protection of transgender individuals starts with the Equality Act 2010. Within this act, gender reassignment is recognised as a protected characteristic. This is reaffirmed in the Statutory Code of Conduct of the Equality and Human Rights Commission. This, therefore, means that an employee is protected if they plan to, are experiencing, or have undergone…

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  • The Elephant in the Room: Protected Characteristics – Parental Status

    The Elephant in the Room: Protected Characteristics – Parental Status

    Being a working parent is hard! For me, it was actually harder when my kids were at primary school, than when they were at nursery. At nursery, there was cover from 7am – 7pm if I needed it. At primary school there appeared to be a natural assumption that you could drop off at 8:50,…

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  • The Elephant in the Room: Protected Characteristics – Age

    The Elephant in the Room: Protected Characteristics – Age

    While it is not unlawful for a potential or current employer to ask you your age, it is unlawful for them to make decisions based on your age. On this basis, many hiring employers don’t ask about age because they don’t want to run the risk of an age discrimination from someone before they even…

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  • The Elephant in the Room: Protected Characteristics – Race

    The Elephant in the Room: Protected Characteristics – Race

    I often ask myself how, in 2021 is Race still an ‘Elephant in the Room’ in the workplace. The Race Relations Act first came into force in 1965 and outlawed discrimination on the “grounds of colour, race, or ethnic or national origins” in public places. It was then updated in 1976 and 2000 and replaced…

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  • Black Lives Matter

    Black Lives Matter

    Photo credit / explantion: (Great Uncle) Michael Leigh wearing a T-shirt designed by (Uncle) Neil Mandel  in 1990/91 as part of his Young Enterprise business project. It appears that we still have not learnt the lessons. Over the past few weeks many of us will have seen the horrifying video of George Floyd, an African…

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