• A different kind of workplace

    A different kind of workplace

    On the 14th July the government announced new legislation that would come into effect on the 24th July making it mandatory to wear face covering in shops across the country with hefty fines to ensure compliance. Whilst there is still inconclusive evidence as to the general effectiveness of face coverings in preventing the spread of…

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  • Is It Safe Yet?

    Is It Safe Yet?

    In the past week, I’ve been speaking to a lot of employers who are pulling out all the stops to get their staff back to work and back into the workplace, wherever reasonably practical and safe to do so. While they’re leaving some staff furloughed and some staff working from home, many employers are trying…

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  • Health and Safety claim?

    Every employment contract contains an implied term that the employer will take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of their employees. If an employer fails to take care of its employees’ safety during the pandemic, employees may be able to resign and claim constructive dismissal on the basis of a fundamental breach of that term.…

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  • Don’t let the election rule your workpalce!

    Don’t let the election rule your workpalce!

    I don’t do politics! However, our newsletters are based on what’s going on in the world around us on a weekly basis, and, at the moment, that has to include the politics. However, there is still a very strong HR issue here which all business owners need to be incredibly aware of over the next…

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  • The Work Colleague Of The Future

    The Work Colleague Of The Future

    We have just twenty years before the physical effects of a desk-bound office job will become starkly apparent, according to a new report. More than 3000 employees in France, Germany and the UK were interviewed about their health concerns as part of a study to examine the impact that modern workstations are having on our…

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  • Do you need to worry about the well-being of your staff?

    Do you need to worry about the well-being of your staff?

    The inspiration for this week’s blog is from an interview which I did last week on the BBC Three Counties Radio drive time show. The interview was all about the well-being of employees and the duty of care that employers have towards their staff. The conversation was sparked by the announcement by Easyjet that one…

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  • Can you honestly say that harassment is not a risk to your business?

    Can you honestly say that harassment is not a risk to your business?

    #MeToo – a year on I just want to touch on something which we’re dealing with more and more at the moment and that’s the issue of harassment. Now about a year ago there was a huge campaign around #MeToo when lots of people came forward and started talking about their experiences of harassment and…

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  • Christmas Party – Remember It For The Right Reasons

    It is the last day of November. For many, this is payday, for others it is invoicing day and for some…. It is the official start of the festive season. Over the years we have seen some pretty fantastic Christmas parties. We have also seen some lovely intimate low key affairs where the team come…

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  • Signage Requirements Relaxed

    With the best will in the world, I do sometimes sense that some of my clients find the requirements of health & safety signage a bit unnecessary at times. Is it really necessary to display a “fire exit” sign above the only way out of the building? Is it really necessary to display “fire route”…

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