• Flexible Stats

    Flexible Stats

    As we navigate the evolving landscape of the UK job market, there’s a clear trend that’s impossible to ignore: flexibility is no longer just a perk, it’s a necessity. Recent data from Flexa, as reported by Personnel today has revealed some eye-opening trends that highlight why adapting to this new norm is crucial for our…

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  • What do National Unemployment Statistics have to do with my Business?

    What do National Unemployment Statistics have to do with my Business?

    Well everything, if you are trying to recruit. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) this week have released figures which show that 9.2 million people of working age are not in work and are not looking for work. While I appreciate that it is their right to lead their lives the way they want to,…

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  • What are the benefits of apprenticeships to employers?

    What are the benefits of apprenticeships to employers?

    92% of companies that have taken on apprentices believe this leads to a more motivated and satisfied workforce and 86% of employers said apprenticeships helped them develop skills relevant to their organisation. Some of the benefits of recruiting an apprentice include: adapting their training according to the needs of your business their motivation to learn…

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  • Why Hire A Graduate?

    Why Hire A Graduate?

    Covid 19 has had a massive impact on the availability of graduate jobs as well as on the application process.  Although talk of staff shortages in recent months has given the impression that it should be easy to find work, young people are “often left at the back of the queue” as employers favour more…

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  • Brexit: The implications for employers

    Brexit: The implications for employers

    What are the implications for employers in terms of recruiting and retaining staff? The UK’s participation in EU free movement ended on 1 January 2021. In its place, the Home Office has implemented a new points-based immigration system for all migration to the UK, other than for Irish nationals. What does this mean for business…

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  • Age Discrimination in Recruitment

    Age Discrimination in Recruitment

    Last week I had the pleasure of discussing recruitment, age discrimination and Artificial Intelligence with Roberto Perrone at BBC Three Counties Radio. You can listen to the interview here, but below are my thoughts. The interview was triggered by the experiences of Karen Beecham, a 58 year old buyer who was made redundancy from M&S…

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  • You need to plan for your business until June AT THE EARLIEST

    You need to plan for your business until June AT THE EARLIEST

    I’m sure you have seen or heard the latest announcements regarding our plans out of lockdown. Finding the key dates was not particularly easy, but then this whole situation is not particularly easy. My focus for today is what happens between now and June (what happens beyond June is another whole discussion to be saved…

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  • Hire for Attitude

    Hire for Attitude

    In a very well quoted phrase (which I think originated from clergyman Charles R Swindoll) Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. Your attitude to everything, from politics to society from family to work, is what makes you, you and what differentiates you from everyone else. In the…

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  • Recruitment Advertising

    Two things have happened this week which have made me think about the wording of recruitment adverts: 1)    A contact of mine advertised for a young, dynamic person – thus opening themselves up to an age discrimination claim, as an older person may arguably be more dynamic than a young person. 2)    The Army has…

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  • Vital Statistics …. for your business

    Last week there were some interesting stats announced by the ONS (Office for National Statistics): The number of people in work increased The number of unemployed people decreased The number of people aged from 16 to 64 years not working and not seeking or available to work (economically inactive) also decreased The employment rate was…

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