How do I get the best person for the job?

Hi Donna here, and it’s day three of our 52 top tips. We are working through the 52 top tip cards that come in our HR-in-a-Box, and today we are talking about selection.

This is all to do with the recruitment of the right staff for your business. Once you’ve attracted candidates and they’ve applied, you need to select the best person for the job. Use the job description and develop the most robust way to separate the good candidates from the great candidates.

Warning: you must be as objective as possible. Subjectivity could result in a discrimination claim.

Use a number of selection techniques for the best results. Remember, this is a two-way process. Your preferred candidate may have other job offers. So you must pitch your position and the company to them as well as selecting the right candidate for you.

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The Interviewer’s Toolkit

For more assistance with writing job descriptions and recruitment, check out our interviewer’s toolkit.