• Added Value

    Added Value

    Today is Valentine’s Day. The origins of the day vary, but it is believed that Valentine’s Day dates back to Pagen times with the holiday of Lupercalia celebrating fertility. In 3rd century AD Emperor Claudius II executed 2 men, both named Valentine on different Lupercalia holidays. They were martyred and honoured by the Catholic Church…

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  • Medical


    Benefits are often seen by small businesses as being an expense they can’t afford and Private Medical Insurance is certainly in that bucket. But, it is a benefit which is of huge value to both the employer and their employees and really shows your staff that you care and that you value them. The waiting…

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  • Fit


    Valentine’s Day is approaching, and we are encouraging all employers to show their staff some love. We don’t want any sexual harassment claims! We are not encouraging any inappropriate fraternisation! But we are asking employers to think about how they show their staff that they care. That they care about their physical and mental health…

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  • Company Car Issues

    Company Car Issues

    Once you have taken the decision to provide an employee with a company car, there are several things you need to think about which then need to be documented and communicated to the car driver. This is often done in their contract of employment and sometimes in a company car policy, either in an employee…

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  • Contracts of Employment

    This is a massive one for me and one that I spend most of my professional career talking about!!!

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  • Show you care

    Getting the benefits package right for your staff is important for their motivation and engagement, but it can be even more important for your business. When a member of staff goes off sick, there is an impact on productivity and in some cases other members of the team will need to step in to ensure…

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  • I can’t afford to give pay increases!!

    As I speak to my clients, I pick up on general trends. Sometimes it is based on stuff they have heard in the news, sometimes it is the fear of forthcoming legislation; but recently there is one trend which is repeated by almost all of my clients – pay increases! Staff are asking for them…

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  • Parents can save tax if they sign up for Childcare Vouchers before April

    Childcare vouchers are a Government initiative aimed at helping working parents with children up to the age of 15. Each parent can receive up to £243 per month in childcare vouchers from their employer and this is free from tax and National Insurance. Most childcare vouchers are provided through salary sacrifice, which means parents receive…

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  • Salary Sacrifice: May no longer be attractive for employers

    Personnel Today has reported that a European court ruling means employers may be forced to pay millions in unpaid VAT for salary sacrifice voucher schemes. For a number of years now the Government have offered a number of schemes to encourage employers to provide employees with tax advantageous benefits. Some of the most common include:…

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  • Childcare Vouchers

    If I told you that as an employer you could make a financial saving by offering your employees something that many of them would really value, would you want to hear more? Well, by introducing childcare vouchers and offering them to all your employees through a tax efficient salary sacrifice scheme, you could do just…

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