
Valentine’s Day is approaching, and we are encouraging all employers to show their staff some love.

We don’t want any sexual harassment claims!

We are not encouraging any inappropriate fraternisation!


But we are asking employers to think about how they show their staff that they care.

That they care about their physical and mental health and safety.

That they care about their happiness and wellbeing.

That they care about their ability to engage with their work, their colleagues, their clients and the business.

Exercise is shown to have a massive positive impact on both physical and mental health.

During Covid times, all employers should be encouraging staff to get out, go for a walk, get away from their screens, to move and to get fresh air. Without the regular commute to the office and the daily movements around the office, there is a risk that employees are doing less than 2000 steps a day. This will lead to weariness, lack of sleep, muscle wastage, poor posture, loss of concentration and loss of energy.

On the whole, employers are being really mindful of encouraging good exercise regimes. Whether it is walking during their lunch break, a class with Joe Wicks or an online Pilates class.

However, during non-covid times, employers rarely give staff exercising a second thought.

This Valentine’s day, we are encouraging employers to think about ways in which they can support their staff, not only in the short term, but longer term as well.

A gym membership may be the answer – remember, don’t force anyone to do what they don’t want to do!

Have a think about:

  • Where your local gym is (when they are open)?
  • Are they a multi-site gym?
  • What would a corporate membership cost?

Helping your staff to reach their health goals will earn you brownie points. It will also mean you have a fitter, healthier and more engaged workforce.

Want to know exactly how engaged your workforce are?

Take a look at our employee engagement survey to find out.

Our partners at Engagement Multiplier have pulled together a number of reports and recent research looking at current employee engagement trends and what is likely to happen next.