• HR Changes in 2024

    HR Changes in 2024

    In December, over 50 people attended our webinar helping business owners to plan for the people changes happening in 2024. Did you know, there are 3 key reasons why your HR policies and practices may need to change in 2024? 1 – changes to legislation 2 – changes to regulations and best practice guidelines 3…

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  • Managing Menopause in the Workplace

    Managing Menopause in the Workplace

    In the UK, 75-80% of menopausal women work; understanding and supporting symptoms, both visible and invisible, is crucial for managers and employers.   Facts The average age for women to reach menopause in the UK is 51, although the expected age range is between 45 and 55. Currently, around 75-80% of women of menopause age…

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  • Investigating allegations of theft

    Investigating allegations of theft

    You suspect that an employee is stealing from the Company, what do you do? If you get things wrong from the start, it is far harder to recover and can be very damaging. Allegations of theft are probably one of the most difficult things to deal with as a business owner as it raises so…

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  • Love is in the air…. or is it?

    Love is in the air…. or is it?

    February. Valentine’s Day. The season of love ….. BUT, and it is a big BUT has #metoo killed the office romance? In October of last year, legislation was debated and confirmed which will put an obligation on employers to PREVENT sexual harassment in the workplace. No longer is it enough to carry out a proper…

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  • Flexible working in the future???

    Below are three links you need! Our panel discussion on Flexible Working which took place in July 2021. A link to the Government proposals A link to the consultation document Do not be upset withthe legislation you get if you don’t take the opportunity to have your say now! The closing date for consultation is…

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  • The Elephant in the Room: Protected Characteristics – Disability

    The Elephant in the Room: Protected Characteristics – Disability

    Starting with the assumption that the person can do the job, has done it before and has a proven track record…… Would you employ a disabled person? If not, why not? Would it depend on their disability? Would it depend on your location and working environment? If they are deaf, blind, wheelchair bound, an amputee…

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  • Employment law changes for April 2020

    Employment law changes for April 2020

    Development Overview Implementation Date Increase in holiday reference period from 12 weeks to 52 weeks The reference period used for determining a week’s pay when calculating holiday pay for workers with irregular hours will increase from 12 weeks to 52 weeks. The changes are designed to allow greater flexibility for workers in choosing when to…

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  • Liquidation


    I Need to Liquidate my Company What will happen to my staff? With more and more businesses struggling to stay afloat in the current uncertain climate, this is not just a concern for small to medium sized businesses, evident from the recent collapse of tour operator Thomas Cook which hit headlines recently and headed into…

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  • References


    Do I have to provide one? We get asked this question a lot more than you might think, and the short answer is no, not usually. There are certain sectors, like Financial Services, where it could be a legal requirement, however in most cases for employers there is no legal obligation to provide a reference.…

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  • Who you take advice from matters ……… A LOT!

    Would you allow a GP to carry out brain surgery on you? Would you want your accountant giving you a manicure? The answer to both, I suspect, is NO! So why do people listen to family and friends when they need advice on their staff? The answer we are sometimes given is “because they have…

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