• Bribery – Have you protected your business?

    I was in a room with 20 different employers this week and asked a simple question…. How many of you have a policy on bribery and have trained your staff in the application of that policy? Despite the Bribery Act 2010 having come into force in July 2011, 90% of the businesses represented did not…

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  • BNI – 60 Seconds – 9th November

    Can your clients afford to settle an employment tribunal claim? Now, I don’t like scarring you, but in 2009 – 10, there were 392,800 claims of which 24% were working time directive related, 19% were unauthorised deductions from wages and 32% were unfair dismissal, breach of contract or redundancy related. – In 2008 – 09…

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  • BNI – 60 Seconds – 26th October

    So often I am bought in to help a company once there has been a problem….. – They have an employment tribunal against them – They have a difficult employee who has gone for years unmanaged – There is a back pay payroll claim – There is an unacceptable level of absence DOHR prefers to…

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  • HR for small businesses

    An employer is never too small to need HR support. From the time you employ a single person, you are subject to employment law requirements. A written contract of employment, employers liability insurance and health and safety are the bear minimum. Once you reach five employees, you need to offer a pension scheme (although you…

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