• Flexible working in the future???

    Below are three links you need! Our panel discussion on Flexible Working which took place in July 2021. A link to the Government proposals A link to the consultation document Do not be upset withthe legislation you get if you don’t take the opportunity to have your say now! The closing date for consultation is…

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  • The Elephant in the Room: Loan Elephants – Hybrid Working

    The Elephant in the Room: Loan Elephants – Hybrid Working

    Anyone who tells you that they know what the future of work looks like is lying! This blog is particularly focussed on those businesses, or parts of businesses, which are office based. There are of course plenty of people who do not have the opportunity to work from home for whom this debate is not…

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  • Walking The Plank

    Walking The Plank

    There may well come a time in your business life when you REALLY need a member of staff to walk the plank (leave). There are many reasons why this may be the case, but you must be aware of the ‘legal’ reasons for dismissal which are limited to: capability, behaviour, redundancy or some other substantial…

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  • Vital Statistics …. for your business

    Last week there were some interesting stats announced by the ONS (Office for National Statistics): The number of people in work increased The number of unemployed people decreased The number of people aged from 16 to 64 years not working and not seeking or available to work (economically inactive) also decreased The employment rate was…

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  • BNI – 60 Seconds – 2nd November

    So, today is my birthday and tradition has it that when you work in an office, you take cakes in for your birthday. Four years ago, I was working really hard, like I do and my boss forced me to have a break and to go over to Sainsburys and get cakes for everyone. As…

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