Post Brexit …. The HR Crystal Ball

No one knows what will happen to employment legislation once the UK starts to withdraw from the EU, but here are some of the key employment laws we are watching for changes.

Employment law Potential changes Business impact
Agency Workers Regulations Repeal Reduction of costs in using agency staff.

Potentially makes use of agency staff more attractive.

Greater degree of flexibility.

Working Time Removal of the 48 hour maximum

Simplification of holiday rules (interaction with sickness absence).

Simplification of rules on calculating holiday pay (overtime, commission).

Qualifying period for entitlement to holiday.

Simpler practices, wider discretion on what to include as holiday pay, and how (or whether) to arrange carryover of leave to the next leave year.
Discrimination Introduction of cap on compensation. Decrease potential financial liability for such claims.

Increase likelihood of settlement of accompanying claims (eg unfair dismissal).

TUPE Relaxation of information and consultation requirements before a TUPE transfer.

Loosening of restrictions on changing terms and conditions.

Simpler process


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