• The Changing Face of HR

    The Changing Face of HR

    HR has been through many changes over the years, but I do believe it is currently experiencing a seismic shift. In part this is due to covid and Brexit, but in part it is also due to changes in Politics, Economics, Society, Technology, Legal and Environmental (PESTLE) factors. I was using the chart above in…

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  • Discrimination

      Well written policies and procedures which are communicated and applied consistently are the key to ensuring that the risk  of discrimination is reduced as much as possible. Employees (as well as workers and job applicants) could bring claims for discrimination on the basis of Age, Gender, Race, Beliefs, Marital Status, Disability and Sexual Orientation.…

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  • UK Employment Law is no longer fit for purpose!!!

    I’ve been in Human Resources (HR) for over 20 years. When I was first introduced to the discipline, it was known as Personnel and today when I am speaking with clients, I refer to it as ‘managing employees’ or ‘staff management’. Why give a fancy name to what business owners just need to be able…

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  • Special Needs

    People don’t need to be employees to take an employment tribunal claim against you (although they usually are, or have been). Job applicants who feel they have missed out on a job due to discrimination can also lodge an employment tribunal claim and therefore taking any special needs into consideration at the recruitment and interview…

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  • We Do HR – Making the Workplace a Better Place to be

    I am on a mission….. Our strapline is “Making the workplace a better place to be” – but what does that mean? Over the years, the management of people within a business has had many different names; the most familiar used today are “personnel” and “Human Resources (HR)”.  Whatever you choose to call it, staff…

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  • Are you guilty of bribery and corruption? Are you sure?

    It’s everywhere …… every newspaper, every news bulletin, every conversation down the pub. How could they not have known? Who knew what? Are they telling the truth? Will Cameron go next? Have you taken a step back and looked at your own business? When you ask someone experienced, someone you have known for 5+ years, someone…

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  • Are you LinkedIn to your next job?

    Although not confirmed by LinkedIn a new service is to be offered which would make it even easier to apply for jobs. Employers will be able to include a plug-in on their website which will prompt a redirection to LinkedIn, a selection of details to be sent and possible questions to be answered.Employers will be…

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  • Mediation – like ‘the cloud’ it’s an unstoppable new way of doing things

    It’s being ‘pushed’ hard by the government and seems to be growing in popularity anyway. So, why is this? Take a moment to think how your business or organisation could benefit from mediation in the workplace, from boardroom to shop floor. What’s the problem with disciplinary, grievance and tribunal procedures etc? It’s the time they…

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  • Will the Olympics sink your business?

    With only 494 days until the start of the Olympics, have you started planning to protect your business? Having the Olympics in London in 2012 has given many businesses an opportunity for growth they would not otherwise have had. However, if your business is based in or around any of the Olympic sites, will you…

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  • Employers should give employees access to Social Media while at work – shouldn’t they?

    I am a technological immigrant and proud to consider myself almost fluent in the language. My children on the other hand are technological natives and for them a world without mobile phones and laptops is as alien as a world without cars is to me. I listened with interest yesterday to digital social media guru…

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