• Employee Engagement Enabling Change

    Employee Engagement Enabling Change

    As you may be aware, at DOHR we are an authorised partner for a fantastic tool for properly, robustly and anonymously measuring employee engagement. Many of our clients have found that although the score is useful and a great way to measure progress and identify trends, the feedback received in the free text fields is…

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  • How to create the RIGHT environment for hybrid working

    How to create the RIGHT environment for hybrid working

    Plan B In case you haven’t noticed, a lot has changed in the last 20 months and just as many employers were looking to get staff back into the workplace, we appear to be heading for another winter of working from home. As an employer, you need to look at your workforce and find ways…

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  • 44 Days to Christmas

    44 Days to Christmas

    Is your business ready for year end? Assuming there are no more shutdowns, Christmas is coming! The question is are you ready? Here are a few tips which you need to consider now to ensure that all your staff have a good Christmas regardless of your sector. 1. Inclusion If you have a diverse workforce,…

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  • Thought for the day: Fuel

    Thought for the day: Fuel

    Why should staff work from home? Take a look at my thought for the day, but there are lots of reasons why you might want to allow your staff to work from home for the next couple of weeks. Employees will be under pressure and trying to find enough fuel to get to work will…

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  • Flexible working in the future???

    Below are three links you need! Our panel discussion on Flexible Working which took place in July 2021. A link to the Government proposals A link to the consultation document Do not be upset withthe legislation you get if you don’t take the opportunity to have your say now! The closing date for consultation is…

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  • Added Value

    Added Value

    Today is Valentine’s Day. The origins of the day vary, but it is believed that Valentine’s Day dates back to Pagen times with the holiday of Lupercalia celebrating fertility. In 3rd century AD Emperor Claudius II executed 2 men, both named Valentine on different Lupercalia holidays. They were martyred and honoured by the Catholic Church…

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  • Medical


    Benefits are often seen by small businesses as being an expense they can’t afford and Private Medical Insurance is certainly in that bucket. But, it is a benefit which is of huge value to both the employer and their employees and really shows your staff that you care and that you value them. The waiting…

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  • Fit


    Valentine’s Day is approaching, and we are encouraging all employers to show their staff some love. We don’t want any sexual harassment claims! We are not encouraging any inappropriate fraternisation! But we are asking employers to think about how they show their staff that they care. That they care about their physical and mental health…

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  • Seeds


    Plants in the office Plants / flowers in hospitals Playgrounds and fields at schools Open green spaces For years, we have known about the benefits of having natural living plants around us. The joy of seeing things grow and the satisfaction of eating what we have grown. Many employers will have plants in the office…

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  • Self-Care


    In 2020, the government took the unusual stop of allowing employers to change their policy on annual leave so that employees could roll over annual leave they had been unable to take due to the pandemic. Some of our clients took advantage of this relaxation because their staff were needed at work as a result…

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