The Elephant in the Room: The Smelly Employee – Weed

Some people will recognise the smell of weed a mile off. Others will never have come into contact with people smoking weed, but they are aware of a strange smell. Weed is cannabis. It is a drug. Also known as marijuana, pot, grass and dope, weed is illegal in the UK. As an employer, you […]

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The Elephant in the Room: Smelly Employees – Alcohol

Most companies have a policy which states that you must not attend work under the influence of alcohol, and some will clearly state that alcohol is not permitted during working hours, including business lunches, networking events and formal dinners. However, in some sectors, drinking (alcohol) at work is part of the job, it’s expected. The […]

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The Elephant in the Room: The Smelly Employee – Cigarettes

In my opinion, there is nothing worse than a colleague who comes into a meeting stinking of cigarettes! I remember a time when people used to smoke in offices, it was completely normal. Just like smoking on an aeroplane – smokers on the left, non-smokers on the right‼! Something my kids cannot believe was ever […]

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