
We were having one of our regular in-house training sessions on Wednesday and got into a discussion about bullying and harassment in the workplace. Whether as a result of the #metoo campaign or not, we are seeing a significant increase in accusations and employers are having to spend more and more time investigating claims, obtaining…


Christmas Party – Remember It For The Right Reasons

It is the last day of November. For many, this is payday, for others it is invoicing day and for some…. It is the official start of the festive season. Over the years we have seen some pretty fantastic Christmas parties. We have also seen some lovely intimate low key affairs where the team come…


Who you take advice from matters ……… A LOT!

Would you allow a GP to carry out brain surgery on you? Would you want your accountant giving you a manicure? The answer to both, I suspect, is NO! So why do people listen to family and friends when they need advice on their staff? The answer we are sometimes given is “because they have…


Don’t commute and use your phone

I do think that people now are more aware of how they use their phones while driving - it is illegal to do so - but how aware are people of how they use their phones on a public transport commute? I had a lovely chat with Roberto Perrone on the BBC 3 Counties Drive…


Vital Statistics …. for your business

Last week there were some interesting stats announced by the ONS (Office for National Statistics): The number of people in work increased The number of unemployed people decreased The number of people aged from 16 to 64 years not working and not seeking or available to work (economically inactive) also decreased The employment rate was…


It appears you can have your cake AND eat it

So this is a very quick video to tell you that today, finally, the Supreme Court have ruled on the case of Gary Smith versus Pimlico Plumbers and Charlie Mullins. Charlie Mullins famously said that his workers, the people that work for him, the plumbers, "couldn't have their cake and eat it". But it appears…